




Openprojectのweb UI上だとプロジェクト横断的に細かい条件を指定してフィルターするのが煩雑だったため
OpenprojectのPostgreql Databaseに直接ログインして、データの抽出を行いました。

このようなことは、OpenprojectのPluginで実装していくのが良さそうな気もしますが、今はOpenproject serverのアプリとは別のアプリを作って
Postgresql dbなどにアクセスして抽出するような感じができたら良いなと思っています。



まずはpostgresql databaseが起動しているサーバーにログインして、psqlコマンドを実行します。



  • work_packages テーブルがそれっぽいです。
                        List of relations
 Schema |               Name                | Type  |    Owner    
 public | announcements                     | table | openproject
 public | ar_internal_metadata              | table | openproject
 public | attachable_journals               | table | openproject
 public | attachment_journals               | table | openproject
 public | attachments                       | table | openproject
 public | attribute_help_texts              | table | openproject
 public | auth_sources                      | table | openproject
 public | categories                        | table | openproject
 public | changes                           | table | openproject
 public | changeset_journals                | table | openproject
 public | changesets                        | table | openproject
 public | changesets_work_packages          | table | openproject
 public | colors                            | table | openproject
 public | comments                          | table | openproject
 public | cost_entries                      | table | openproject
 public | cost_object_journals              | table | openproject
 public | cost_objects                      | table | openproject
 public | cost_queries                      | table | openproject
 public | cost_types                        | table | openproject
 public | custom_actions                    | table | openproject
 public | custom_actions_projects           | table | openproject
 public | custom_actions_roles              | table | openproject
 public | custom_actions_statuses           | table | openproject
 public | custom_actions_types              | table | openproject
 public | custom_fields                     | table | openproject
 public | custom_fields_projects            | table | openproject
 public | custom_fields_types               | table | openproject
 public | custom_options                    | table | openproject
 public | custom_styles                     | table | openproject
 public | custom_values                     | table | openproject
 public | customizable_journals             | table | openproject
 public | delayed_jobs                      | table | openproject
 public | design_colors                     | table | openproject
 public | document_journals                 | table | openproject
 public | documents                         | table | openproject
 public | done_statuses_for_project         | table | openproject
 public | enabled_modules                   | table | openproject
 public | enterprise_tokens                 | table | openproject
 public | enumerations                      | table | openproject
 public | export_card_configurations        | table | openproject
 public | forums                            | table | openproject
 public | grid_widgets                      | table | openproject
 public | grids                             | table | openproject
 public | group_users                       | table | openproject
 public | journal_versions                  | table | openproject
 public | journals                          | table | openproject
 public | labor_budget_items                | table | openproject
 public | ldap_groups_memberships           | table | openproject
 public | ldap_groups_synchronized_groups   | table | openproject
 public | material_budget_items             | table | openproject
 public | meeting_content_journals          | table | openproject
 public | meeting_contents                  | table | openproject
 public | meeting_journals                  | table | openproject
 public | meeting_participants              | table | openproject
 public | meetings                          | table | openproject
 public | member_roles                      | table | openproject
 public | members                           | table | openproject
 public | menu_items                        | table | openproject
 public | message_journals                  | table | openproject
 public | messages                          | table | openproject
 public | news                              | table | openproject
 public | news_journals                     | table | openproject
 public | oauth_access_grants               | table | openproject
 public | oauth_access_tokens               | table | openproject
 public | oauth_applications                | table | openproject
 public | ordered_work_packages             | table | openproject
 public | plaintext_tokens                  | table | openproject
 public | principal_roles                   | table | openproject
 public | project_associations              | table | openproject
 public | project_statuses                  | table | openproject
 public | projects                          | table | openproject
 public | projects_types                    | table | openproject
 public | queries                           | table | openproject
 public | rates                             | table | openproject
 public | recaptcha_entries                 | table | openproject
 public | relations                         | table | openproject
 public | repositories                      | table | openproject
 public | role_permissions                  | table | openproject
 public | roles                             | table | openproject
 public | schema_migrations                 | table | openproject
 public | sessions                          | table | openproject
 public | settings                          | table | openproject
 public | statuses                          | table | openproject
 public | time_entries                      | table | openproject
 public | time_entry_journals               | table | openproject
 public | tokens                            | table | openproject
 public | two_factor_authentication_devices | table | openproject
 public | types                             | table | openproject
 public | user_passwords                    | table | openproject
 public | user_preferences                  | table | openproject
 public | users                             | table | openproject
 public | version_settings                  | table | openproject
 public | versions                          | table | openproject
 public | watchers                          | table | openproject
 public | webhooks_events                   | table | openproject
 public | webhooks_logs                     | table | openproject
 public | webhooks_projects                 | table | openproject
 public | webhooks_webhooks                 | table | openproject
 public | wiki_content_journals             | table | openproject
 public | wiki_contents                     | table | openproject
 public | wiki_pages                        | table | openproject
 public | wiki_redirects                    | table | openproject
 public | wikis                             | table | openproject
 public | work_package_journals             | table | openproject
 public | work_packages                     | table | openproject
 public | workflows                         | table | openproject
(106 rows)
  • work_packages のテーブル定義を確認します。
\d work_packages;
                                            Table "public.work_packages"
         Column          |            Type             |                         Modifiers                          
 id                      | integer                     | not null default nextval('work_packages_id_seq'::regclass)
 type_id                 | integer                     | not null default 0
 project_id              | integer                     | not null default 0
 subject                 | character varying           | not null default ''::character varying
 description             | text                        | 
 due_date                | date                        | 
 category_id             | integer                     | 
 status_id               | integer                     | not null default 0
 assigned_to_id          | integer                     | 
 priority_id             | integer                     | default 0
 fixed_version_id        | integer                     | 
 author_id               | integer                     | not null default 0
 lock_version            | integer                     | not null default 0
 done_ratio              | integer                     | not null default 0
 estimated_hours         | double precision            | 
 created_at              | timestamp without time zone | 
 updated_at              | timestamp without time zone | 
 start_date              | date                        | 
 responsible_id          | integer                     | 
 cost_object_id          | integer                     | 
 position                | integer                     | 
 story_points            | integer                     | 
 remaining_hours         | double precision            | 
 derived_estimated_hours | double precision            | 
    "work_packages_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "index_work_packages_on_assigned_to_id" btree (assigned_to_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_author_id" btree (author_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_category_id" btree (category_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_created_at" btree (created_at)
    "index_work_packages_on_fixed_version_id" btree (fixed_version_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_project_id" btree (project_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_project_id_and_updated_at" btree (project_id, updated_at)
    "index_work_packages_on_responsible_id" btree (responsible_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_status_id" btree (status_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_type_id" btree (type_id)
    "index_work_packages_on_updated_at" btree (updated_at)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "ordered_work_packages" CONSTRAINT "fk_rails_fe038e4e03" FOREIGN KEY (work_package_id) REFERENCES work_packages(id) ON DELETE CASCADE


あとはこのデータをtxtファイルなどで保存して、spread sheetなどに加工すれば、一覧で見れるようになります。


  • work_packages.due_dateに完了日付が設定されているので、そこがnullのものを抽出しています。
  • statusesというテーブルにworkpackageのステータスが定義されているので、結合して完了してあるものは除外しています。


この業務が何度も実行されるべきものであれば、web viewなどを作っても良いかなと考えています。

    p.name as project_name,
    s.name as status_name,
    w.assigned_to_id as assigned_user_id,
    work_packages as w
    left join projects as p
      on p.id = w.project_id
    left join statuses as s
      on s.id = w.status_id
    s.name != 'Closed'
    and w.due_date is null
  order by